Enjoy deer management courses in spectacular countryside near Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland National Park, North East England – inc. courses for safe rifle handling and DSC (deer stalking certificate) levels 1 and 2 with BASC Assessor and Accredited trainer, Jon Snowdon.
The following two courses can be organised at a mutually suitable time to suit either the individual or group.
1 day Pre DSC rifle handling course
This is a course for the novice who may intend to move on to the DSC1 award or who is looking for training in the disciplines necessary to enable accurate shooting and safe rifle handling. The course consists of safe rifle handling in the field and on the range – accurate shooting technique – practical shooting on the range – shot placement. It is not necessary to own a rifle or be in possession of a Fire Arm Certificate the estate rifle facility can be made available.
Cost: £185.00 per person.
Greenlee Sustainable Deer Management DSC1 Course
Greenlee DSC1 courses are held regularly throughout the year. Each course lasts two and a half days with the assessment day being usually held on the last day.
The trainer for all courses is Jon Snowdon who is a professional deer manager, a BASC approved trainer and assessor for this DMQ qualification.
As in all of the Greenlee courses small groups give Greenlee their unique friendly atmosphere as well as enabling us to run a properly focussed course resulting in high success rates.
If you have a group of friends who want to take this qualification we can arrange a course with dates to suit your group, either at weekends or during the week.
Cost: £295 per person, which includes the full training pack and refreshments during the course.
Greenlee 1×1 DSC1 courses with Jon can be easily arranged.
Contact Jon for details.
The DSC1 assessment day consists of:
- Written assessment: 50 multiple choice questions on all aspects of deer.
- Game hygiene assessment. 40 multiple choice questions on large Game handling. This is the necessary paper assessment to enable a candidate to go on to complete the practical demonstration for the award of the Trained Hunter qualification.
- Visual assessment: 20 colour pictures identifying the 6 deer species in the UK.
- Safety assessment: A simulated stalk with a rifle.
- Shooting assessment: 2 Shots at 100 metres- prone or from a simulated high seat – 2 Body shots into the kill zone at 70 metres, Standing, sitting or kneeling – 2 Despatch head shots at 10 to 20 metres, Standing. Two attempts allowed only – All 3 disciplines must be taken even if only 1 shot is missed.
Whilst all the relevant information will be covered during the course, to gain the maximum benefit from the course candidates are expected to have read the training manual (supplied) before attending the course.
Scheduled DSC Level 1 Courses 2025
- March 14th-16th
- April 25th-27th
- June 27th-29th
- Sept 26th-28th
Please Contact Us for details & booking.
BASC are running the Deer Stalking Certificate 1 dates below for 2025, with Greenlee, in which Jon is the trainer and assessor.
- April 3rd – 6th (Book online)
- June 5th – 8th (Book online)
Please Contact BASC for details & booking.
Carcass Butchery Courses
This is a very popular and highly regarded one day course giving the candidates the practical experience of handling a deer carcass to the required standard to enter the food chain. This course is ideal for future “Trained Hunter” or DSC2 candidates who have not had the opportunity of handling many carcasses and comply with the Game Meat Hygiene regulations. The experience of this course can help toward the building up of the criteria evidence for the DSC2 portfolio.
The carcass handling is followed by butchery of the carcasses.
Cost: £165.00 per person.
Scheduled Butchery Courses 2024
- £165 – Full carcass & butchery course – includes venison to take home
- March 2nd (Book online)
- November 23rd (Book online)
DSC2 Approved Witness stalks
Jon is an Approved Witness and assessor for the DSC2 qualification.
Single Approved Witness outings can be arranged.
Cost: £145.00 per outing.
The criteria for this award have also changed from April 1st. A candidate has now only to complete 1 approved witness stalking outing with an approved witness.
There are a limited number of opportunities made available for candidates to be accompanied by Jon for five consecutive days Approved Witness outings where the experienced and prepared candidate is likely to complete the DSC2 three ICR’s which Jon can both Witness and complete full assessment of the portfolio.
Contact Jon for details.
Local Accommodation
If you require good quality bed & breakfast accommodation near our establishment, we recommend:
- Twice Brewed Inn – www.twicebrewedinn.co.uk
- Blenkinsop Castle Country Inn – www.blenkinsoppcastleinn.co.uk